Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide Review

by Alex on July 26, 2011

This is my complete, unbiased Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide review.

Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide is the best Starcraft mastery guide on the market. This guide will teach you how to master Terran, Protoss, and Zerg. Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide will also teach you all the strategies the pros use to dominate their opponents. Keep reading for my full Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide review.

Click here to learn more on the OFFICIAL Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide site!

What is Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide and what is included in the purchase?

This will be a pretty long Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide review because there is so much included in this guide. As I said before you will get a guide that teaches you how to master the races and top strategies for online play. Not only will you get those, you will also get a complete, step-by-step walkthrough to the campaign mode. I’ll go over details on each section in my Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide review.

The first main part of Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide is the race guides. The Terran guide is the first race guide you will find in Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide. In the Terran guide you will learn the basics of the race, how to play, what to do, etc… For the more advanced Starcraft players you will learn the strategies that top Terran players use. You will learn how to take on each of the other races individually. In the Terran guide you will get to know all the best build orders for any situation you find yourself in. You also learn Micro and Macro, which will help you when trying to achieve the Diamond rank.

The Protess guide is almost exactly like the Terran guide. You get all the basic knowledge of the race, along with the top strategies. You will also get to know the best build orders of the race, and also how to take on each of the other races. You will also get details on each of the abilities the Protess have. Getting to know how to control each unit will help you when getting up to the Diamond rank.

The last of the race guides is the Zerg guide. This is of course the hardest race to play as, but once you know how to use them they can be the most powerful race in the game. The Zerg have a ton of different abilities and ways to attack and Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide teaches you how to use each to the best of their abilities. You will also get the how to fight other races guide and a ton of advanced strategies used by the top players. You also get the complete list of the best build orders for certain situations.

The next big part of Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide is the Starcraft 2 Strategies guide. Here you will learn how to climb the ladders with ease. This part also comes with details on how to win almost every 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 match you play. The guide does an amazing job teaching you how to play with your allies correctly, allowing you to become a powerful aspect to your team, even in random games.

Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide comes with a guide completely devoted to each unit. It gives you a detailed breakdown of strengths and weaknesses of each unit. It also shows you how to counter certain units and what units to the best against other units. You also learn strategies that pros use for each unit.

The last main section of Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide is the Starcraft 2 Campaign guide. This is extremely detailed walkthrough with a step-by-step guide. You get screenshots and videos for all the missions in Starcraft 2. The best part about this guide is the Brutal walkthrough, which teaches you all the strategies and things you need to know to complete the brutal difficulty of the Starcraft 2 campaign. You get detailed brutal maps and extremely detailed videos explaining exactly what you need to know.

The Campaign walkthrough is updated all the time with different strategies and also accounts for each new update in the game including patches and expansions.

Would you recommend Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide?

Oh yeah, I would definitely recommend this. It is, hands down, the best Starcraft 2 guide on the market right now, and it doesn’t look like any guide can top it. It’s way to detailed and comes with a ton of information on Starcraft 2. If you want to become an expert and hit that Diamond rank, this is the guide for you. Overall, I highly recommend Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide.

If you found this Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide review helpful let me know with a comment below. If you have experience with Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide also fill out a comment below and let me know how it went.

Read more on the OFFICIAL Shokz Starcraft 2 Guide site!

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Hey guys, I'm Alex and I review products for this site. I mostly focus on products in the Games, Self-Help, and Arts & Tech sections. I love being able to help people and this review site definitely lets me do that by teaching people exactly what they are getting before they use their hard earned money.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

JT August 3, 2011 at 11:58 pm

The best part about this guide is the Brutal walkthrough, which teaches you all the strategies and things you need to know to complete the brutal difficulty of the Starcraft 2 campaign.


Starcraft 2 Guide August 25, 2011 at 6:49 am

Shokz Starcraft 2 guide is really great. I recommend every body who are playing starcraft 2 to use it.


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